Entries Tagged 'Prayer'

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Don't Get What You Deserved Today! (February 2, 2025)

As we continue to explore Psalm 8, David finds himself in wonder over the glory of God being given to human beings.

In the Nitty-Gritty (January 27, 2024)

As we continue to explore Psalm 8, David reminds us that we are never too insignificant for God to stop and show care for us.

FaithTree Online Prayer Walk

Praying for Our Community Together

The Bible calls us to pray on all occasions and to constantly pray for God’s people (Ephesians 6:18). FaithTree Online Prayer Walks have each gathered hundreds of believers from around the world to pray before our faithful God. Let’s join together to pray in Jesus’s name once again at our eleventh Online Prayer Walk all day on March 6! We are excited to see what God will do through this time!

Being Chex Mix for the World (November 18, 2024)

Are we going to be unified with the world or unified with the Lord? That’s the challenge that Paul hands down to us here.

No Matter the Result... (November 11, 2024)

God calls us to “civic” expressions of His love when elections go the way we hope and also when they do not.

Those Who Drive Us Batty (November 4, 2024)

As we come an election and contemplate how much those around us drive us crazy, God calls us to a different path as the church than what the world says we ought to do. We turn to 1 Timothy 2 for insights into the Lord’s plan for us in a partisan world.

FaithTree Online Prayer Walk

Praying for Our Community Together

The Bible calls us to pray on all occasions and to constantly pray for God’s people (Ephesians 6:18). FaithTree Online Prayer Walks have each gathered hundreds of believers from around the world to pray before our faithful God. Let’s join together to pray in Jesus’s name once again at our eleventh Online Prayer Walk all day on January 30! We are excited to see what God will do through this time!

FaithTree Online Prayer Walk

Praying for Our Community Together

The Bible calls us to pray on all occasions and to constantly pray for God’s people (Ephesians 6:18). FaithTree Online Prayer Walks have each gathered hundreds of believers from around the world to pray before our faithful God. Let’s join together to pray in Jesus’s name once again at our eighth Online Prayer Walk all day on August 29! We are excited to see what God will do through this time!

FaithTree Online Prayer Walk

Praying for Our Community Together

The Bible calls us to pray on all occasions and to constantly pray for God’s people (Ephesians 6:18). FaithTree Online Prayer Walks have each gathered hundreds of believers from around the world to pray before our faithful God. Let’s join together to pray in Jesus’s name once again at our ninth Online Prayer Walk all day on August 29! We are excited to see what God will do through this time!

This Week at Little Hills: What is the Lord’s Prayer? (June 30, 2024)

Pastor Tim helps us think about the next question in the New City Catechism (“What is the Lord’s Prayer?”). How does the prayer Jesus taught us help us to understand Him and His will for us better?

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