Jim continues our exploration of the Fruit of the Spirit by considering “joy” in this week’s devotional.
Jim starts us on an exploration of the Fruit of the Spirit by considering “love” in this week’s devotional.
What does it look like to be a “reasonable” Christian? That’s what Paul calls us to be in Phil. 4, but what does that actually look like?
Please join us for a #Steadfast that talks about #ChurchConflict, the #SuperBowl and #HeGetsUs as part of understanding what is going on in in the next part of Philippians 4.
We know a lot about God’s truth and what He calls us to do. But, do we do it towards those around us with love?
We are called to be agents of restoration, but often we instead degrade the lives around us with anger.
Does the church love people with differences in race, sexuality, worldview, etc.? If so how? We do so by being peaceable, wise, and filled with grace.
You may not get what you want, but God gives us what we need to make an impact for the Kingdom of God.
Where does unleashing hope start? Not locally or globally, but it begins right in the heart of our homes - it begins with family. In the message, we explore how we can honor God by opening up a door of hope for the lost and wounded that are the closest to us.
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