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Bring Back the Mission (July 11, 2021)

When the Gospel advances, it always advances past me and my preferences and past my “Old Time Religion.” The Holy Spirit isn’t done with His mission when He’s reached me; instead, He invites me to join in His mission.

Doing God's Work in the "Off Season" (July 7, 2021)

Pastor Brad speaks about how we focus on God’s calling to us even during the “off seasons” of life. Are we sleeping during those times or are we putting in the work?

Will I Pass the Final Exam? (July 5, 2021)

Jesus tells us He will return and judge the world. What does that really mean? Should we be afraid? As we wrap up “the Future is Here,” Pastor Tim will help us consider these questions.

Words of Encouragement: A Time for Silence (July 5, 2021)

Pastor Steve thinks about times of silence. The Scriptures remind us that there are times we need to be silent and not let our tongue run wild.

52 Verses, 52 Books, 52 Weeks (Week 27: Galatians)

On this Independence Day, Pastor Tim turns to Galatians to think about what true freedom looks like.

Bring Back the Grit (June 4, 2021)

Jesus calls us to have a gritty faith. Do we press forward in faithfulness when challenges come or do we instead cower out of fear? Do we trust in the mission of proclaiming the Gospel or do we add our own “Gospel additions”?

Free to Live in His Righteousness (June 30, 2021)

As we celebrate the blessings of freedom with the festivities of Independence Day, what is our greatest blessing?

Church's Got Talent (June 28, 2021)

What does waiting for Jesus’s return look like? Are we just trying to “make it through” until the end? This week we turn to Matthew 25:14-30, looking at the “Parable of the Talents” and what it says to us about what God calls us to do with our lives right now.

Rending and Mending (June 21, 2021)

Pastor Steve thinks about the sort of tailoring that happens in life — the kind we try to do to fix things and the kind that God provides that really does.

52 Verses, 52 Books, 52 Weeks (Week 26: Joshua)

What does real courage in the Lord look like? Melanie Haynes takes us to the Book of Joshua to better understand that question.

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