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Life on the Family Tree (September 5, 2021)

Unlike most things in life, family is the one thing we don’t get choose and it is certainly an institution God calls us to honor. But is “Family everything” as the old saying goes?

Dealing with Your Enemy (August 25, 2021)

How should we deal with those whom we consider to be enemies? How do we react when they struggle?

Donkeys Like Us (August 30, 2021)

As we continue exploring the story of Balaam, a man who teetered between listening to the Lord and listening to the world around him, we consider how God uses people (and donkeys) like us.

A Warrior's Arrows (August 30, 2021)

Pastor Steve shares a word of encouragement as he recovers from a stroke.

52 Verses, 52 Books, 52 Weeks (Week 35: Ezra)

Are we simply knowing God’s Word or have we learned how to do what God’s Word calls us to do?

Help On The Vine (August 29, 2021)

Life and Love on the Vine is not painless. The world hated Jesus and we are told that persecution will come to us as well. But we have a greater promise: a helper.

Godly Counsel is Key (August 25, 2021)

The Bible calls us to seek the wisdom of wise counsel, recognizing that the Lord gives us those wise people around us.

The Donkeys of Life (August 23, 2021)

Talking donkeys? Paid prophets? What’s going on here? Balaam and his donkey (Numbers 22) help us to think about facing temptations and living faithfully as we start a new series tonight. In the series, we’ll look at this man who teetered between listening to the Lord and listening to the world around him and see the ways we struggle with the same.

Joy for the Journey (August 23, 2021)

Are we showing the characteristics of joy in our lives?

52 Verses, 52 Books, 52 Weeks (Week 34: 2 Kings)

What do we do when the things we do that we thought were lasting get wiped away? As we turn to the fall of the kingdom of Judea this week, Pastor Tim reflects on that question.

You are viewing page 57 of 86.

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